Advice from One of the Top Residential Pool Services in Overland Park on Shocking you Pool

Social: Managed. SEO Team • September 15, 2022

A swimming pool is a significant investment. If you have hired professionals for an inground pool installation in Overland Park, you may be wondering what goes into maintaining it. Now, most people just hire a company that specializes in residential pool services in Overland Park to take care of everything and make sure the pool is safe for swimming. However, those agreements cost money, and if you put it all into your new pool, you may not have enough for the maintenance plan right away.

Many homeowners try to do the upkeep on their new pool after the inground pool installation at Overland Park gets their work finalized. However, when they get started, they do not realize how complex the process is when filling their pool and what to do. For example, after the first large storm with inches and inches of rain… do you have to put in new chemicals?

As one of the top residential pool services in Overland Park, Icon Pools advises that putting in a new pool shock is not always necessary to get it back into balance. To keep a pool clean, it is essential to know the basics< When to use pool shock and how to use it. Shock is not the answer to all the issues, but it can be a vital tool in fighting against contaminants, cloudiness, and other pool conditions that might be unsafe.

However, before you use it, you should know:

What is a Pool Shock?

Pool shock is a product you can buy at a full-service pool company in Overland Park. However, shocking a pool is also a process you use when your pH is out of sorts, and you want everything to be okay. Typically, you use shock to stop algae from forming and other contaminants. If you smell your pool, it is probably time to shock it.

Leading residential pool services in Overland Park say most products marked as pool shock are just concentrated versions of chlorine treatments. Look at the labels to make sure you are getting what you want. All pool products must list their ingredients.

Residential Pool Services in Overland Park

What Does Pool Shock Do to a Pool?

Pool shock combats built-up contaminants and quickly brings your water's "free chlorine" level back up to the safe range—a normal range for chlorine tends to be within one and three parts per million. Check the information provided by your pool builders in Overland Park to see how much chlorine is standard for your pool.

When Do I Shock My Pool?

Most pool pros shock their pools at night. Why? Because the chlorine can be neutralized by the sun, you have to add more shock to make it work properly. That expense will add up quickly because pool shock is expensive. Also, pool shock chemicals are dangerous to people, and jumping into a freshly shocked pool is very risky.

Suppose you are wondering and concerned about being able to maintain your pool correctly. Maybe you just want to ensure everyone is safe and professionals put in the chemicals. Just hire residential pool services in Overland Park and remove the worry and safety concerns. Icon Pools offers several service packages; find the one that is best for you and your pool. 

What starts in your imagination comes to life in your yard.

Residential Pool Services in Overland Park

Are you ready to install your pool this summer?

Use pool cleaning services in Overland Park to keep that new pool sparkling!


At Icon Pools, we have everything you need for the summer season. We are a pool supply company in Overland Park that specializes in construction and maintenance. We also sell spas and pool liners, so that you can relax in the comfort of your backyard. 


If you are interested in a new pool or spa, call us today at (816) 331-8279, or contact us online.

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